The Case for Investing Right Now in Keeping New Voters Engaged and Free to Vote

What’s the urgency around investing in democracy right now?

We are living in a time of a multi-layered crisis for our democracy. A shrinking minority is fighting for permanent power -- going all-out to make it harder to vote; to secure the ability to overturn the results of legitimate elections; and to tighten their grip in geographies they already control. Their playbook is clear and playing out in state after state -- they seek to amass and retain power by harnessing racial resentment, exploiting the structural flaws in our electoral system, and creating confusion and disillusionment with government through dis and misinformation. 

We see this reflected in many ways:

  • The right to vote is under siege. Over 400 bills to restrict the freedom to vote have been introduced in 48 states since the 2020 election. Eighteen states have enacted 30 new laws that infringe on people’s freedom to vote and over 60 bills are moving through legislatures now, in what Stacey Abrams has called a "coordinated onslaught" of attacks on voting rights at the state level.

  • Our election system itself is under assault. In previous elections, a sham election review was paid for with public dollars to “uncover election fraud” in Arizona’s Maricopa County. The Republican election overseer who oversaw Michigan’s electoral votes was ousted by 'stop the steal’ zealots. And advocates in rural Georgia report that election officials have been replaced by those supportive of the “big lie” conspiracy theories.

All of us who care about democracy need to be thinking about our strategy for this fight. How can we effectively counter a shrinking minority faction’s desperate, authoritarian power grab? How can we turbocharge strategic campaigns, long-term organizing, and power-building to beat back this threat -- and collectively renew a democracy that is representative, accountable, and just, grounded in a sustainable multiracial, cross-class coalition that holds together across many internal tensions and contradictions?

What’s the solution?

We need to ensure that the new voters who turned out in 2020 have a chance to make their voices heard again in 2024 and beyond -- by supporting organizations that can authentically connect with them. Tens of millions of people voted for the first time in 2020 and 2022. According to Pew, 19% of 2020 voters hadn’t voted in either 2016 or 2018. This is a huge bloc, one that has the potential to be a critical voice in future elections. Whether these newly-galvanized voters stay engaged is an open question that depends in part on whether they’re connected to organizations, messages, and policies that reflect their hopes, dreams, values, and cultural contexts. 

We need to protect our voting system from those who would try to overturn legitimate election results. We must strengthen year-round organizing and power-building, especially in the communities that bear the brunt of efforts to muzzle their voices. We need to invest now to pay dividends later -- funding is most efficiently put to use early to hire staff and build strong coalitions and deep relationships with voters.

What’s the Propel Democracy Forward Fund?  

The Propel Democracy Forward Fund efficiently and strategically moves resources to vetted, proven organizations and the powerful coalitions engaged in civic efforts to protect the freedom to vote, connect with new voters, and deliver for communities in ways that show how government can work for them. PDFF deploys funds, with low friction, to drive effective grassroots campaigning efforts and compelling narrative strategies that resonate and mobilize.

 Strategies for change include:  

  • Strengthening grassroots engagement and year-round organizing to build power at the state level. Through our Propel Democracy work, starting in 2016, we have access to a strong network of state-based organizations building power in states, through canvassing, mobile outreach, organizing, and digital advertising and can move funding to where there are gaps and key moments of leverage. These organizations are building lasting power and civic engagement among new voters.

  • Supporting smart, tactical national organizations with sophisticated narrative strategies such as Working America, MoveOn, Color of Change and National Domestic Worker’s Alliance’s efforts — 501(c)(3) groups with strong and energized membership bases and proven efficacy in building a robust national narrative and grassroots engagement in support of voting. Mobilizing and expanding their members, these organizations are powerful forces and help drive the national conversation on these issues.

That America is at this critical point is not a surprise to anyone paying attention.  There simply has not been enough investment in democracy over the years but we have the potential to safeguard our democracy and move us closer to realizing the promise of America. Now is the time to act.

How can donors participate?

In response to requests, the Propel Democracy Forward Fund is now accepting donations to support this strategy.  All operating costs and fees are covered by Propel, so 100% of funding will be deployed immediately.  PDFF can accept tax-deductible c3 grants, stock donations, cryptocurrency, etc. (specific instructions are below).

Should we give to this fund and not directly to organizations?

If you are already funding organizations doing this work — that’s great and keep doing it. Thank you! If you need help in identifying effective groups that collaborate with each other, are practical and creative, please reach out.  Our goal is to deploy funding as soon as possible, tactically, with a razor focus on these issues.  We will be closely tracking for gaps so we can move quickly when there is a high impact opportunity. PDFF also minimizes the time these organizations are spending interfacing with funders and lets them organize.  In some cases donors and foundations may wish to remain anonymous so they can support this effort now but are not planning to undertake a long-term commitment to democracy funding. The Fund can help do this easily.

Propel Democracy was created shortly after the 2016 election to support new ideas for voter engagement. The fund seeded some of the most pivotal democracy work that emerged at that time, including many of the organizations that drove increased voter turnout nationally, mobilized unprecedented engagement in key states, and helped more efficiently deploy donor dollars. We have a track record of strategically investing in the highest impact organizations and leaders. In creating the Propel Democracy Forward Fund, we are responding to requests from funders to join us, building on these issues in a way that will, we hope, pay dividends this year, and lay the groundwork for strong civic engagement in 2024 and beyond.

How to Contribute

The Propel Democracy Forward Fund accepts tax-deductible contributions to a designated fund maintained and operated by ImpactAssets, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit financial services firm. Grants are then distributed directly to our democracy grantee partners. Propel covers all management and operational fees associated with the fund, so 100% of donations are deployed to protect democracy. Contributions are tax deductible.

Contributions by credit card can be made using this link. All credit card contributions are charged a 3.5% transaction fee by ImpactAssets. Donors will receive a tax deduction for the full value of the contribution as well as the fees. 

Contributions can also include gifts of wire donations, public securities, and cryptocurrency. To make a gift of these kinds, please contact Michael Bentley, Propel Operations Manager, directly at to facilitate.